Chibex Ozioma

SMS Mobile Marketing

SMS marketing is a marketing channel, much like email marketing, that allows businesses to message customers with marketing messages through SMS, or more commonly known, text messaging. These marketing messages can vary from promotional messages, product launches, new lines, sales, offers and more.

MS marketing is the perfect modern way to communicate with your customers. In this modern fast paced world, people want to communicate in a way that suits them, a nice quick, convenient way that fits with their lifestyle. And that is exactly why SMS marketing is now so popular amongst customers and businesses.

It’s quick, easy and convenient for businesses too. They can send out large bulk SMS messages all at once in the click of a button. They can then track who clicked their links and see who has unsubscribed from their messages. Statistics show that 98% of all text messages get read and 95% of all texts are read within 3 minutes.

Which means businesses love SMS marketing because they can virtually guarantee that their messages will get read instantly!

Uses of SMS Marketing for Businesses

There are lots of ways businesses are using SMS marketing, whether that be through an SMS API or an online SMS Web Platform.

  • A new product or service
  • Sale or offers
  •  Notifications
  •  Delivery updates
  •  Appointment reminders
  •  Important news
  •  Customer Service Support

Basically SMS marketing can help businesses with anything and everything.

Things to Consider to Make your SMS Marketing Successful

  • Opening line: Go with something short and sweet and attention grabbing.
  • Content/message length: Keep it short and sweet and use words and phrases like hurry, quick, offer ends soon to add some emergency to your message.
  • Tell them who you are: Make sure you say who you are and set your Sender ID to your business name.
  • Send an offer: Send an enticing deal or offer and be sure to let them know how to claim and purchase.
  • Include a website link:  Let them click and go straight to your website
  • Make sure it’s relevant: Make sure you are sending the message to your customers who might be interested. Segment your customer database, men, women etc. So you are sending relevant messages.
  • Time of your message: Make sure you are sending the message at an appropriate time so people can respond.

Who can benefit from using SMS marketing services?

Text messages can be a great addition to your digital marketing efforts regardless of what business type you have. They serve the unique function of communicating very urgent information in a highly reliable way.

But, there are certain businesses that cannot live without SMS in their marketing strategy:

  • E-commerce stores: Whether you’re sending a promotional campaigns, or order/shipping confirmations, SMS is a great tool for e-commerce stores.
  • Travel companies: SMS is essential to travel companies because customers need real-time information. This includes flight time updates, gate changes, cancellations, weather alerts, and many more. With SMS you are able to tell customers exactly what they need to know, without having to worry about if they will see it in time.
  • Service businesses that require appointments: Make sure that your clients never miss another appointment by sending them SMS reminders. This will save you tons of time and money wasted on no-shows and late appointments.
  • Large organizations with 100+ employees: Internal communication is important, but it’s hard to communicate with every employee in a large company. For urgent information, email is too slow. Using SMS for your internal communication is the best way to ensure that every employee gets the information you want to send them at the right time.

How does SMS marketing work?

SMS marketing messages are sent from “short codes,” as opposed to full telephone numbers. These short codes are typically 5-6 digits, and can be associated with one sender, or shared across multiple senders.

Many countries (including the Nigeria) do not allow sender information to be altered. This means your message will appear as a text message from whatever short code your provider used (not from your business). That is why it’s important to include your company’s name in the message. You can find out more about SMS short codes here.


How to Become an Ozioma Agent

Partnering with us as an agent qualifies you to reseller Ozi Units and make massive profit in this digital gold mine (just like selling network operators airtime, data, pay tv subscriptions etc).

SMS business is a multi-billion dollar industry and with Ozioma you don’t have to create and maintain your own website to resell SMS units, Ozioma takes care of all the technicalities for you. To become our agent you can contact us through our support channels. Contact us on 08093159330 or 07026788205.

Types of Agents

There are 3 types of agents in Ozioma which are Gold agents, Silver agents and Bronze Agents who Makes Ozi Units available to millions of Nigerians nationwide.

  1. Gold Agents– As a Gold agent, you will purchase units directly from the company @ N1.95 per unit and sell it to Silver sub-agents under you @ N2.10 per unit to help you resell and you can also sell it directly to customer @ N2.50 per unit. The start-up capital for this is N195000 for 100000 units. The minimum units to be sold by gold agents for a month is 1000000 units.
  2. Silver Agents– As a Silver agent, you can have Bronze sub-agents under you. You will purchase units from the Gold Agents @ N2.10 per unit and sell it to the Bronze agent @ N2.25 per unit and you can also sell it directly to the customer @ N2.50 per unit. The start-up capital for this is N21000 for 10000 units. The minimum units to be sold by silver agents for a month is 100000 units
  3. Bronze Agents- As a Bronze agent, you will buy units from the Silver agents @ N2.25 per unit and sell it directly to the customer @ N2.50 per unit. The start-up capital for this is N2275 for 1000 units. The minimum units to be sold by bronze agents for a month 10000 units.

Before you become an agent, you need to have an Ozioma account. You can start as Bronze agent and grow to Gold agent or you can start as Gold or Silver agent. With this model in place its similar to network operators model in their recharge cards distribution where they have Dealers, Resellers and Retailers.


How to Become an Affiliate Member in Ozioma

Affiliate Membership is a home business you can do at your free time to make additional income without quitting your current job. As an affiliate member you can be earning upto 25% life time residual commission by just recommending Ozioma to people and any time they buy units you get your commission.

Partner with us and make commissions for life from your recommendees purchases. As you move from one stage to another your commission percentage increases.
Each stage has a minimum amount of messages you must send within a month to qualify for recommendees purchase commission.

How does it work?

Becoming an affiliate member of Ozioma is very simple. All you have to do is share your Affiliate Link with people for them to create their Ozioma account with it. On their registration form, your username will automatically appear as the recommender and once they have created their account and have started buying units, you will be making commissions from every unit they buy.  For your recommendees creating account through Ozioma mobile app, inform them to use your username as the recommender on the signup form.

How to Get Your Affiliate Link?

Step 1


  • On the left of your dashboard you will see a list of options, click on Affiliate Referral. (if you are using a mobile phone, click on the icon to the top left of your dashboard to see the list of options then select the Affiliate Referral).

Step 3

  • You will see your referral link, click on copy and share on all your social media platforms.


There are 7 stages of Affiliate members, which are,

  1. ENTHUSIAST : This is the first stage stage. In this stage you have to refer or recommend up to 1- 10 people before you can move to the next stage and you also need to send a minimum of 5 SMS in a month for you to receive your commissions. When your recommendees buy units through the bank, online or cash, you get 10% of their units purchased as your commission and if they buy through voucher (agents) you will receive a commission of 2%.
  2. LEADER : This is the second stage. In this stage, you need to refer up to 11-50 people before you can move to the next stage and you also need to send a minimum of 20 SMS in a month before you can receive your commission. Your commission in this stage will be 15% when your recommendees buy units through the bank, online or cash and 5% when they buy units through voucher (agents).
  3. PROFESSIONAl : This is the third stage. You need to refer up to 51-100 people before you can move out from this stage and you also need to send a minimum of 50 SMS in a month for you to receive your commission. Your commission in this stage will be 17.5% when your recommendees buy units through the bank, cash or online and 6% when they buy through voucher.
  4. BOSS : This is the fourth stage. You need to refer up to 101-500 people before you can move out of this stage and you also need to send a minimum of 100 SMS in a month before you can receive your commission.  Your commission here will be 20% when your recommendees buy units through the bank, cash or online and 7% when they buy through voucher (agent).
  5. VIP : This is the fifth stage. You need to refer up to 501-1000 people before you can move out of this stage and you also need to send a minimum of 120 SMS in a month before you can receive your commission.  Your commission here will be 22.5% when your recommendees buy units through the bank, cash or online and 8% when they buy through voucher (agent).
  6. DON : This is the sixth stage. You need to refer up to 1001-5000 people before you can move out of this stage and you also need to send a minimum of 150 SMS in a month before you can receive your commission.  Your commission here will be 25% when your recommendees buy units through the bank, cash or online and 9% when they buy through voucher (agent).
  7. ULTIMATE : This is the seventh stage. You need to refer up to 5001-1000000 people before you can move out of this stage and you also need to send a minimum of 200 SMS in a month before you can receive your commission.  Your commission here will be 30% when your recommendees buy units through the bank, cash or online and 10% when they buy through voucher (agent).

How to Unsubscribe from a Newsletter

Whether its a paid or free SMS Newsletter, you can always unsubscribe from it at anytime you want.



  • Once you have logged in to your account, you’ll see your dashboard. On the top right corner of your dashboard, you’ll see your profile icon. Click on it and select Manage Newsletter.


  • When you see the newsletter you want to unsubscribe from then click on unsubscribe.
  • You will be asked if you are sure you want to unsubscribe. Click on Yes Unsubscribe. If you are not sure then click on cancel


Subscribing to a free or paid newsletter on Ozioma is actually very simple. All you have to do is just follow this few simple steps.



  • Once you have logged in to your account, you’ll see your dashboard. On the top right corner of your dashboard, you’ll see your profile icon. Click on it and select Manage Newsletter.


  • Click on Find and Subscribe.


  • Enter the SUBCODE of the Newsletter you want to subscribe to. Then click on search.


  • You will find details of the Newsletter you searched for (the Subcode, Publisher, Newsletter, description and subtype). The subtype will be either free or paid. If it has extra charges it will be shown there too.
  • Click on subscribe.


  • You will be asked if you are sure you want to subscribe. Click on Yes subscribe me. If you are not sure click on cancel.

How to Create Paid SMS Newsletters

There are 2 types of SMS Newsletters in ozioma which are.

  1. Free SMS Newsletter: This means that the sender will pay the cost of the message sent. Free SMS newsletters can be sent to both ozioma users and non-users.
  2. Paid SMS Newsletter: This means that the subscribers will be the one to pay for the messages they receive from you. The sender does not pay for the messages. This can be used by churches for sending daily devotional messages while the members pay the cost for it. Paid SMS Newsletters can only be sent to ozioma users because before subscribing, they have to accept to pay for the messages. subscribers cannot be added by you. They have to join by them self using your subcode. You can also add extra charge in your paid newsletter if you want to go into content publishing, which is sharing knowledge on your area of specialization(s) to earn more money.

How to create a Paid SMS Newsletter



  • On the left of your dashboard you will see a list of options, click on SMS Newsletter. (if you are using a mobile phone, click on the icon to the top left of your dashboard to see the list of options then select the SMS Newsletter).


  • At the bottom of your SMS Newsletter to the right, click on the pink colored icon.


  • Write the name of the newsletter (like family, customers, employees etc).
  • Describe the newsletter
  • Click on the paid to put it on.


  • Select the frequency you want to be sending messages to your paid subscribers (daily, weekly and monthly).
  • After that, click on create. But if you want to add extra charge to make money then select the amount of units you want to add (0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1). Then click create.


You cannot add contacts directly like in free Newsletter. You have to share your SUBCODE with people so they can subscribe to your newsletter themselves, and Only people using Ozioma app can subscribe to it.


Everything You Need To Know About SMS Newsletters and Subscription with Ozioma

Ozioma SMS Newsletters enables users to put phone numbers into groups like customers, members, friends, family, colleagues etc for easy access as well as support uploading contact list directly from your phone.

Types of SMS Newsletter in Ozioma

There are 2 types of SMS Newsletters in ozioma which are.

  1. Free SMS Newsletter: This means that the sender will pay the cost of the message sent. Free SMS newsletters can be sent to both ozioma users and non-users.
  2. Paid SMS Newsletter: This means that the subscribers will be the ones to pay for the messages they receive from you. The sender does not pay for the messages. This can be used by churches for sending daily devotional messages while the members pay the cost for it. Paid SMS Newsletters can only be sent to ozioma users because before subscribing, they have to accept to pay for the messages. You can also make extra money from this by charging an extra fee for the messages.

How to create a Free SMS Newsletter



  • On the left of your dashboard you will see a list of options, click on SMS Newsletter. (if you are using a mobile phone, click on the icon to the top left of your dashboard to see the list of options then select the SMS Newsletter).


  • At the bottom of your SMS Newsletter to the right, click on the pink colored icon.


  • Write the name of the newsletter (like family, customers, employees etc).
  • Describe the newsletter and click on create.


  • On your newsletter list you will see the name of your newsletter and your the SUBCODE. Click on the name of the newsletter you just created.


  • Once in your newsletter group, click on the third icon at the top right side of it and click on Add subscriber. if you want to export it from your files then click on import from files.


  • Type the name and phone number and click on add.


  • To type the follow up message, click on follow up. Then click on the first icon on the top right.


  • Type the sender name and compose the message. Then choose the interval you want before the message is delivered to your subscriber (instant, hour, day, week , month and year). Here I chose 3 days. Once that is done, click on save message.

SMS Newsletters and Subscription: Who uses it

A newsletter is a report given information about an organization that is sent regularly to its members. Newsletters can be used to advertise or to simply communicate new ideas and events to subscribers. Businesses can easily connect with their stakeholders, including stockholders, customers, employees, and members of the society through SMS newsletters.

A newsletter is a publication that, if written well, not only disseminates information, but reminds, guides and instructs those who read it. Newsletters can be used by individuals, businesses, churches, nonprofit organizations, schools etc.

What is Newsletter Subscription?

This is an agreement that allows you to receive updates regularly via newsletters. Once you subscribe to a newsletter, you will start receiving updates until you unsubscribe to cancel the subscription.

Who Can Use SMS Newsletters and Why?

  1. Businesses/Companies: they can use newsletters to keep employees up to date about new products, featured news and articles that promotes the business and employees and recently hired or retiring personnel. It can also be used for public relations and low key advertisement sent to customers.
  2. Schools: Schools can use newsletters to keep both parents and students up to date about upcoming school events, like holidays, special educational projects, meetings etc.
  3. NGO’S and Associations: They can use newsletters to send awareness messages about upcoming events etc.
  4. Churches: Churches can use newsletters to send daily or weekly devotional/scriptural messages to members.
  5. Individuals: individuals can use newsletters to send messages about a topic or specialized field. Example, tips on how to take care of your car, book keeping tips for small businesses etc.

Steps to create recurring messages sent at random times from a particular SMS collection

With Oziomas’ SMS Collection, you can choose from an array of messages to send to people without the stress of composing a message yourself. This messages have already been grouped to give you a stress free messaging experience. so whether is a romantic message, congratulatory message, birthday message, anniversary message and so on, you have full access to it.

Continuation from Simple scheduling

  1.  Schedule SMS that will deliver at different dates and times.
  2. Schedule SMS that will deliver in a recurring manner like every Monday or particular day of the month/year or first/last day of the month.
  3. Schedule SMS that will pick one message at a time from a particular SMS Collection (e.g Love, Well-being, Romance) and deliver at a future recurring days and random times.

Step 1

  • Still continuing from step 6 above. Click on SMS collection and select the type you want. Here I chose Romance. If you want it to be delivered at a particular time and not randomly then make sure you turn off send at random time. After that click on complete schedule. But if you want it to be sent randomly then you will go to step 2.

Step 2

  • Click on send at random time to turn it on, then choose the time range you want the message to be delivered. Here I chose 8:30am to 3:00pm. That means that the messages will be delivered randomly between 8:30am and 3:00pm from Monday to Friday.

Step 3

  • Next is to select how you want your composed message to appear on the SMS collection when it’s delivered. Your composed message will appear either as a prefix (it will come before the SMS collection message) or as a suffix (it will come after the SMS collection message)
  • Note: if you don’t want your SMS collection message to have a prefix or suffix in it, then that means you should not compose any message (just type the sender name and phone number(s) or select newsletter then click on schedule for later)

Step 4

  • Once that’s done, click on complete schedule to schedule your message.

Steps to create scheduled recurring SMS messages

Sending follow up messages or SMS reminders are so stressful…… But with the Scheduled recurring function in Ozioma you can now relax knowing that the messages will always get to its recipient on time.

Steps to create scheduled recurring SMS messages

Continuation from Simple scheduling

  1.  Schedule SMS that will deliver at different dates and times.
  2. Schedule SMS that will deliver in a recurring manner like every Monday or particular day of the month/year or first/last day of the month.
  3. Schedule SMS that will pick one message at a time from a particular SMS Collection (e.g Love, Well-being, Romance) and deliver at a future recurring days and random times.

Step 1

  • Continuing from step 6 above. Click on recurrence (optional) to select the type of recurrence you want. It includes daily, weekly, monthly, yearly which are all in variety. Here I chose weekly (every Monday –Friday)

Step 2

  • If you want it to keep recurring continually without end, make sure the stop date is turned off then You can click on complete schedule, but if you want to end the recurrence at a future date then let’s go to step 3.

Step 3

  • If you want the recurrence message to stop at a future date then turn on the stop date and select the date you want it to stop. This functionality is good when sending SMS reminders to people about a program or event so that after the event they will stop receiving the messages.