
Send Votes, Surveys and Polls using Ozioma Extensible SMS : A Step by Step Guide

Discover a fast, easy way to collect feedback from your audience, at scale. With Ozioma Extensible SMS, you can gather data in the moment, by sending people a mobile survey, poll or vote via text. It’s an easy and affordable way to capture data at critical points of the customer journey.

Ozioma Extensible SMS is an excellent choice for any campaign that includes voting. It is especially suitable for elections or popular entertainment shows such as singing competitions, beauty contests but is also a perfect pick for getting customer feedback on product or service offerings. Our Extensible SMS also enables you to get more subscribers, generate links, allow two way messaging and feedback from customers etc

Give People a Voice with SMS Polls

Ask your audience questions and build excitement with Text to Vote Polls. These surveys, sent to customers by text message, allow businesses to gather consumer responses. You can let anyone vote to decide on your next special, variety, or theme. When people know they have a stake in the decision, they’re more likely to feel engaged and support your business.

Use Text Message Polling to Grow Your Audience

Text to Vote Polls aren’t just a tool for gathering feedback and opinions, they also help you grow your subscriber list. When someone participates in your text poll, they share their number with you which you can later use to send campaigns, multimedia content and more!

Gauge Customer Satisfaction using Text to Vote Surveys

You don’t have to be a detective to find out how your business can improve. All you need to do is ask your customers with a survey sent via Text to Vote Surveys. Ask them to rate their satisfaction from 1 to 10 or send more specific questions to identify opportunities for improvement.

Steps to Create Extensible Votes, Surveys and Polls SMS

step 1 :

step 2 :

  • On the left of your dashboard you will see a list of options, click on Extensible SMS. (if you are using a mobile phone, click on the icon to the top left of your dashboard to see the list of options then select the Extensible SMS).

Step 3

  • Click on Votes, Surveys or polls and the click on create now.

Step 4:

  • Type the caption (for the vote, survey or poll). This should not be more than 50 characters.
  • Click on Add to create fields for your vote positions and candidates, survey questions and options or poll preferences and options
  • Type the survey question or the poll item or the vote position.
  • Enter each survey option, poll opinion or vote candidate per newline
  • Click on Add to add more fields for the questions.
  • After that, compose a Thank You message
  • Choose your target audience.

Note :

Choosing public vote with no SMS Newsletter subscription, means that anybody can participate in the vote, survey or polls and no subscription is required.

Choosing private vote for exiting Newsletter subscribers, means that only those that are already in the Newsletter list you choose will be allowed to participate. Outsiders are not allowed to subscribe.

Choosing public vote but requires SMS Newsletter subscription, means that anybody can participate but those that are not in the Newsletter list you choose will have to subscribe first before they can participate while those already on the list can participate without any restrictions.

NOTE that you’re the one to pay for the OTPs that will be sent to subscribers to verify their phone numbers. Do make sure your Ozioma account is well funded to avoid denying your audience access to

  • Next click on create. After it has been successfully created, click the back botton twice.

Step 5:

  • Click on Vote, Survey or Poll. Then click on the message you just created
  • Once it opens, you’ll see a link that has been created for that SMS. Click on Copy to copy the link. You can post it on any or all of your social media platforms if you want.

Step 6:

  • On the left of your dashboard you will see a list of options, click on compose SMS or message box. (if you are using a mobile phone, click on the icon to the top left of your dashboard to see the list of options then select the compose SMS or message box).
  • Here you will choose the registered sender name you want, select newsletter (that is if you had already grouped your contacts) if not, then just type/ paste the phone numbers but separate each with commas or on a new line.
  • Compose a short preview of the extensible SMS you just created and paste the link.

Step 7:

  • Once all that has been done, make sure you cross check everything to make sure there are no errors.

Step 8:

  • Click on send now to send your message.

Send Audios and Videos using Ozioma Extensible SMS : A Step by Step Guide

The way society listens to information has evolved. Despite how much technology has evolved to meet the times, audio remains a reliable way to reach a diverse audience. Interestingly enough, one of the fastest growing spaces for streaming audio and video, according to research is mobile devices.

Whether your marketing strategy has adopted video or audio content, you want to be sure to send your media using a channel that your customers will be receptive to. In other words, you should optimize your content for consumption where your customers want to be listening and watching.

As the number of smartphone users continues to rise well into the billions, mobile is certainly a hot space for audio and videos. So, to help increase your marketing reach, we want to share with you how you can use SMS to share audio and video contents about your business using Ozioma Extensible SMS.

SMS marketing has taken a whole new look, apart from sending more text content, you can now send a 1 minute audio recording (in MP3) and also a 1 minute Video (in MP4), telling your customers about your products and services at the same price. Sending audio SMS is very effective for target marketing as the audios can be sent in any language to your customers for easy understanding. Sending video SMS will make it easier for you to convince your customers about the authenticity of your business.

Steps to Create Extensible Audio and Video SMS

step 1 :

step 2 :

  • On the left of your dashboard you will see a list of options, click on Extensible SMS. (if you are using a mobile phone, click on the icon to the top left of your dashboard to see the list of options then select the Extensible SMS).

Step 3

  • Click on Audios if you want to send audios or Videos if you want to send videos and then click on create now.

Step 4

  • Type your heading and SMS contents if you want (which has a maximum of 2000 characters). You can use the Ribbon tabs to make your content more stylish.
  • Click or drag or drop your 1minute audio (which should not be more than 10mb and it should be either in mp3 or mpeg format­) or 1minute video (which should be in mp4 format and not more than 10mb)
  • Click on Enable SMS Newsletter subscription if you want to choose the newsletter contact list you want to send it to. It means that people will have to subscribe to your newsletter list before they can view the content and those already on the list won’t need to subscribe to it again.

NOTE that you’re the one to pay for the OTPs that will be sent to subscribers to verify their phone numbers. Do make sure your Ozioma account is well funded to avoid denying your audience access to

  • Next you click Enable Feedback if you want to receive feedback from your recipients but if you don’t then leave it.
  • Next click on create. After it has been successfully created, click the back botton twice.

Step 5:

  • Click on Audio or Video. Then click on the message you just created
  • Once it opens, you’ll see a link that has been created for that SMS. Click on Copy to copy the link. You can post it on any or all of your social media platforms if you want.

Step 6:

  • On the left of your dashboard you will see a list of options, click on compose SMS or message box. (if you are using a mobile phone, click on the icon to the top left of your dashboard to see the list of options then select the compose SMS or message box).
  • Here you will choose the registered sender name you want, select newsletter (that is if you had already grouped your contacts) if not, then just type/ paste the phone numbers but separate each with commas or on a new line.
  • Compose a short preview of the extensible SMS you just created and paste the link.

Note: Don’t use the following words in your bulk SMS

congrats, congrat, congratulations, akpabio, promo, promotion, yello, won, win, police, alert, pr0mo, w1n, prom0, pr0m0, wow, promotional, yellow, sex, sexy, samsung, porn, nude, bank, liyel, vote, election, google, facebook, microsoft and prize.

Messages with these words as part of its content are considered as spam or political message and do not get delivered by the network operators. To avoid loss of units do make sure your message does not contain any of the above words.

Step 7:

  • Once all that has been done, make sure you cross check everything to make sure there are no errors.

Step 8:

  • Click on send now to send your message


Send Images using Ozioma Extensible SMS : A Step by Step Guide

You don’t have to be limited to letters and numbers, even in an SMS message! Sometimes you need a photo to really make your message stand out. With Ozioma Extensible SMS you can attach images to any of your text blasts with a universally compatible shortlink.

There’s a popular saying that “seeing is believing” Sometimes just telling your customers about your products through SMS is not just enough. They will be more convinced when they see it. With Ozioma Extensible SMS you not only send more text contents but you can also send images (JPEG, GIF and PING) of your product at the same price.

Steps to Create Extensible Image SMS

step 1 :

step 2 :

  • On the left of your dashboard you will see a list of options, click on Extensible SMS. (if you are using a mobile phone, click on the icon to the top left of your dashboard to see the list of options then select the Extensible SMS).

Step 3:

  • Click on images and the click on create now.

Step 4:

  • Type your heading and SMS contents if you want (which has a maximum of 2000 characters). You can use the Ribbon tabs to make your content more stylish.
  • Click or drag or drop your image (which should be more than 100kb either in jpeg/ gif/ ping­)
  • Click on Enable SMS Newsletter subscription if you want to choose the newsletter contact list you want to send it to. It means that people will have to subscribe to your newsletter list before they can view the content and those already on the list won’t need to subscribe to it again.

NOTE that you’re the one to pay for the OTPs that will be sent to subscribers to verify their phone numbers. Do make sure your Ozioma account is well funded to avoid denying your audience access to your content.

  • Next you click Enable Feedback if you want to receive feedback from your recipients but if you don’t then leave it.
  • Next click on create. After it has been successfully created, click the back botton twice.

Step 5:

  • Click on the message you just created
  • Once it opens, you’ll see a link that has been created for that SMS. Click on Copy to copy the link. You can post it on any or all of your social media platforms if you want.

Step 6:

  • On the left of your dashboard you will see a list of options, click on compose SMS or message box. (if you are using a mobile phone, click on the icon to the top left of your dashboard to see the list of options then select the compose SMS or message box).
  • Here you will choose the registered sender name you want, select newsletter (that is if you had already grouped your contacts) if not, then just type/ paste the phone numbers but separate each with commas or on a new line.
  • Compose a short preview of the extensible SMS you just created and paste the link.

Note: Don’t use the following words in your bulk SMS

congrats, congrat, congratulations, akpabio, promo, promotion, yello, won, win, police, alert, pr0mo, w1n, prom0, pr0m0, wow, promotional, yellow, sex, sexy, samsung, porn, nude, bank, liyel, vote, election, google, facebook, microsoft and prize.

Messages with these words as part of its content are considered as spam or political message and do not get delivered by the network operators. To avoid loss of units do make sure your message does not contain any of the above words.

Step 7:

  • Once all that has been done, make sure you cross check everything to make sure there are no errors.

Step 8:

  • Click on send now to send your message.

Step by Step Guide on Using Ozioma Extensible SMS

Have you ever composed an SMS message for your marketing campaign and you desperately try to fit in as many information as you can into 1 SMS page (i.e 160 characters), because you don’t want to spend more money? It can be very frustrating because SMS is meant for short straight to the point messages and not long epistles. Sending longer SMS messages means, exceeding 1 SMS page thereby spending more money than you were supposed to.

There is a solution to this dilemma, which will make it possible for you to exceed 160 characters and it will still be counted as 1 SMS page! You may be wondering how that is possible. With Ozioma Extensible SMS you can achieve that and so much more.

Ozioma Extensible SMS makes it possible for you to create more contents for your marketing campaign up to 2000 characters. In SMS marketing content is key, you need to express yourself more thereby engaging your customers by using our Extensible SMS.  There are also other exciting features in our Extensible SMS that will sky rocket your SMS marketing campaign productivity.

Text Extensible SMS

The first and major aim of our Extensible SMS is helping you create more content to fit into 1 SMS page, thereby breaking the limit of the normal 160 character per SMS page which invariably means that you don’t have to spend so much money by exceeding 1 SMS page. With our Text Extensible SMS, you will be able to create contents up to 2000 character at the same price.

Steps to create Extensible Text SMS

step 1 :

step 2 :

  • On the left of your dashboard you will see a list of options, click on Extensible SMS. (if you are using a mobile phone, click on the icon to the top left of your dashboard to see the list of options then select the Extensible SMS).

Step 3 :

  • The text page would be opened. Click on create now.

Step 4 :

  • Type your heading and SMS contents (which has a maximum of 2000 characters). You can use the Ribbon tabs to make your content more stylish.
  • Click on Enable SMS Newsletter subscription if you want to choose the newsletter contact list you want people to subscribe to. It means that people will have to subscribe to your newsletter list before they can view the content (those already on the list won’t need to subscribe again).

NOTE that you’re the one to pay for the OTPs that will be sent to subscribers to verify their phone numbers. Do make sure your Ozioma account is well funded to avoid denying your audience access to your content.

  • Next you click Enable Feedback if you want to receive feedback from your recipients but if you don’t then leave it.
  • Next click on create. After it has been successfully created, click the back botton at the top of the page twice.

Step 5 :

  • Click on the message you just created
  • Once it opens, you’ll see a link that has been created for that SMS. Click on Copy to copy the link. You can post it on any or all of your social media platforms if you want.

Step 6 :

  • On the left of your dashboard you will see a list of options, click on compose SMS or message box. (if you are using a mobile phone, click on the icon to the top left of your dashboard to see the list of options then select the compose SMS or message box).
  • Here you will choose the registered sender name you want, select newsletter (that is if you had already grouped your contacts) if not, then just type/ paste the phone numbers but separate each with commas or on a new line.
  • Compose a short preview of the extensible SMS you just created and paste the link.

Note: Don’t use the following words in your bulk SMS

congrats, congrat, congratulations, akpabio, promo, promotion, yello, won, win, police, alert, pr0mo, w1n, prom0, pr0m0, wow, promotional, yellow, sex, sexy, samsung, porn, nude, bank, liyel, vote, election, google, facebook, microsoft and prize.

Messages with these words as part of its content are considered as spam or political message and do not get delivered by the network operators. To avoid loss of units do make sure your message does not contain any of the above words.

Step 7 :

  • Once all that has been done, make sure you cross check everything to make sure there are no errors.

Step 8 :

  • Click on send now to send your message.


Every business need customers. No customers no business.
Build lists of active customers’ phone numbers and grow your business income exponentially with these GOLDEN easy to follow steps:

How can I do it?

  1. Create a FREE Ozioma account at and login to your Ozioma account.
  2. Create SMS Newsletter List (you can add automated follow-up messages, so that once prospects opts-in to your list they start receiving your follow-ups INSTANTLY).
  3. Create a Birthday Group through Birthday Messenger and connect it to your just created SMS Newsletter list so that prospects will be automatically opted-in to the list.
  4. Compose your birthday template messages for your new group that may include your OFFERS/COUPON/GIVEAWAYS. Your personalized birthday message will deliver on your customers/prospects birthdays automatically at your set time like 12:00AM or 05:00AM.
  5. Copy the generated custom link or QR Code for the newly created birthday group and use it in your Facebook Ad targeting people with UPCOMING BIRTHDAYS.

Why birthdays?
It’s because all your customers are persons and every person has a birthday and every person FEELS SPECIAL on his/her birthday.
How do you feel when your bank send you a birthday message?
Loved right?
You need to register your business or brand with people through birthday SMS by being among the first to wish them well on their special days.

Why SMS and not email, instant messenger or social media?

  1. SMS inbox is personal and confidential and any message that enters there is treated so.
  2. SMS works offline so the celebrant (your customer/prospect) don’t have to be online to see your message.
  3. The joy of birthday message is on its earliness and SMS can be scheduled to deliver at a particular time.
  4. Research shows that people pick up their phones up-to 58 time in a day.
  5. People open SMS 3 minutes of receipt.

You can relate with the above points with your own experiences.
Birthday SMS has limit of 160 characters per page, is charged per page and only text no image, no video or audio for other forms of expressions?
Don’t worry with Ozioma’s Extensible SMS you can do below at the cost of 1 SMS:

  • Send text of up-to 2,000 characters
  • Send image in .png, .gif or jpg formats
  • Send 1min video in .mp4 format.
  • Send 1min audio in .mp3 format.
  • Engage your customers in 2way communication
  • Conduct public/private votes, surveys or polls

The relationship that last is built in the inbox and the money your business need is in that inbox.
If you don’t tell people about your business or brand you will have to PAY others to do so for you.

You can start a marketing agency and start implementing these marketing strategies for other businesses and get PAID massively.

The keywords here are BIRTHDAY and INBOX